
双重招生计划允许学业上有天赋的高中生在高中时就读大学课程. 参与项目的一些好处是拓宽了受教育的机会, increased depth of study, 以零成本加速实现高等教育目标. 要开始,请完成这七个简单的步骤,成为一个双招生学生.

Before you begin, read the Dual Enrollment Agreement 还有适合你高中经历的附录.

Steps 1 — 4 are completed once. Steps 5 — 7 are completed prior to every semester.

Step 1 — Meet eligibility requirements


Dual Enrollment -(6-12年级的非全日制学生每学期最多可获得11个学分)

    • Unweighted high school GPA of 3.0
    • Approval from a high school counselor
    • Placement test at college-level

Early Admission -(全日制大学生每学期修12-15学分 Accelerated Program (作为一名全日制大学学生,每学期选修15个学分以上的行业认证课程)

    • 获得21个高中学分(如果你是佛罗里达虚拟学校的全日制学生,则为18个)
    • Unweighted high school GPA of 3.2
    • Approval from a high school counselor
    • Placement test at college-level

步骤2 -完成澳门新葡京博彩在线入学申请

您可以在您的公立高中或温特黑文学院的招生和注册办公室的双招生录取活动期间提交您的申请, Lakeland, or Lake Wales, or online. 向你的高中辅导员咨询入学活动的日期和时间. 使用自己的社会安全号码申请对保护自己很重要. Do not use your parent’s SSN. You will need:

    • A valid personal email address
    • Your own Social Security number (If you don’t have one, 你仍然可以申请,但不要使用你父母的社会安全号码.)

步骤3 -提交经过批准的分班考试的正式成绩

PERT, ACT, or SAT scores are acceptable. 官方成绩必须从相应的测试机构直接发送到澳门新葡京博彩. 学院可以从PERT测试库中获得PERT分数,并且被视为官方分数, so students do not need to request PERT scores. 你的成绩从你计划参加的学期的第一天起不能超过两年. Click here to schedule PERT test 

If you are using ACT or SAT, unofficial scores may be used for one semester, 但是,如果没有提交未来学期的正式成绩,注册将被阻止. To obtain scores: Click here for SAT scoresClick here for ACT scores.


Reading/Critical Reading1061924490
Elementary Algebra/Mathematics1141924480


    • An unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 and an approved common placement test; OR
    • An unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 and an approved alternative method, which includes:
      • Tests or assessments (e.g., PSAT or PreACT®); OR
      • Performance in high school coursework (Florida high school or accelerated); OR
      • Credit-by-exam.



Step 4 — Complete the College’s student orientation

Take the online orientation. 在您完成培训之前,您将暂停注册. 一旦你完成入学介绍,你就可以在四个学日内注册.


    • Public school students— Use the DELTA portal and meet with the high school counselor each semester. (Some schools may use the approval form.高中辅导员会给学生提供使用英语的信息 DELTA.
    • Private school and home-schooled students—The approval form 每学期必须由高中辅导员或家庭学校家长签署,并送到 deregistration@osgoodschlattersurgery.com. The subject of the email should be name of the school or homeschool.
    • Florida Virtual School students— This approval form 必须由高中辅导员签署,并由辅导员提交给澳门新葡京博彩 deregistration@osgoodschlattersurgery.com each semester.
    • 使用PASSPORT学生门户网站检查您的时间表是否准确.

公立学校学生在双录取注册日当天到所在高中注册批准课程, and any student, including public school students, 可以在澳门新葡京博彩注册并有学术顾问吗. 请向您的高中辅导员咨询您学校的双入学注册日期或查看 Academic Calendar for dates and times of open registration.

For classes offered at a school site, 步骤1-5需在开课前10天完成.


课程安排和成绩在每学期结束时被发送到公立高中,以列入高中成绩单. 家庭学校和私立学校的学生必须向学院申请正式成绩单,或使用非正式成绩单 Polk Portal portal.

Step 7 — Acquire textbooks

每所公立学校都将指导学生何时何地获得双招生教科书. 私立学校和在家接受教育的学生所需的教科书和材料将由波尔克州提供. 如果您对双重注册有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件 deregistration@polk.edu or see your school counselor